Your reading of these verses from 1 Samuel , Matter Eater Man, are, again, false and misrepresentative.

Saul was then king of Israel. Jonathan his son.

David is a shepherd, and Jesse is David's father.

Jonathan had a close friendship with David, DEFINITELY not to be confused with a homosexual relationship, as you imply.
What possible scholarly justification do you have for such a skewed interpretation?

Jonathan's giving of his tunic and personal items to David, and particularly his weapons, including his sword, indicates submission and loyalty to David's authority, and symbolically (as well as literally) indicates that he recognizes David's authority over King Saul's, and points to David as the future king of Israel.

Jonathan has made this manifestation of loyalty, despite the fact that it undermines Jonathan's own accession to the throne of Jonathan's father, King Saul.

Saul is outraged and jealous, because Jonathan has chosen David over Saul as the rightful authority, even at the loss of Jonathan's own accession to the throne. Saul was interested in his own personal ambition, not serving God, and in contrast, David's courage and selflessness earned Jonathan's loyalty, even over his own legagy to be king, and even over Jonathan's loyalty to his own father, King Saul.

A kiss between men in ancient times, and even in many parts of the world today (on the cheek usually) is often a sign of friendship and not sexual in nature.
When Judas betrayed Jesus to the Romans, he did so with a kiss as the signal, and when the Romans saw the kiss, it identified which was Jesus, so the Romans could swarm in and arrest him. It certainly didn't indicate that Jesus and Judas had a homosexual relationship, any more than David and Jonathan were homosexuals.

You also --to the misrepresentative advantage of your flawed argument-- omit sections within the same paragraph of 1 Samuel that discuss David's courtship and marriage to one of Saul's daughters (verses 20-27)

Here are ALL the verses, together in their full context:

Verses 12-16 make clear the reason for Saul's jealousy is clearly NOT a belief that his son is a homosexual. It is because David is popular and favored and revered, by all of Israel, by God, and by Saul's own son Jonathan.
Samuel 18, verses 12-16:
12 Saul was afraid of David, because the LORD was with David but had left Saul.
13 So he sent David away from him and gave him command over a thousand men, and David led the troops in their campaigns.
14 In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him.
15 When Saul saw how successful he was, he was afraid of him.
16 But all Israel and Judah loved David, because he led them in their campaigns.

Once again, your reading of this as homosexual in nature goes against scripture throughout the Bible, that CONSISTENTLY makes clear the Bible's (and God the Father's, and Jesus') condemnation of homosexuality, in both the Old and New Testaments.