Originally posted by Rob Kamphausen:

Originally posted by Dave:
In any event, I think Dave has said that he sees no reason why a gay legal marriage shouldn't be allowed, just not a Christian gay marriage.

which, i think, is the best point (cuz its mine, from page 1!)

a religion is a private club -- they're allowed to make up the rules of their organization like that. somethings bad? ... god says so! pork is the devil? ok! pray on this mat 11 times a day? sure! whatever. if thats what they think god said, so be it. its their choice.

One thing wrong with that: its discriminatory. You have a private golf club which won't let black guys play? The government can intervene - its discrimination, isn't it? Or a private restaurant which won't allow women? Government can step in and compel them to let in female patrons.

You have a church which won't let gay guys get married? Why, here is the government with a key to that particular door.

All pissing in the wind - as if any government is going to upset the Christian heartland - but still, that's what it boils down to.