And answered previously again, on page 14 of the topic:

Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:
Originally posted by harleykwin:

What has surprised me though, throughout the four pages of this thread that I have read (the last four, BTW), is that quite a few times "Christian values" have been brought up as something that people should follow as if there are no other moral codes that people follow. And that's fine, if you are a Christian. You want to follow your beliefs, go right ahead, but to judge everyone by your rules and moral code is inevitably going to lead to a debate if those people don't follow your rules.

But again, as I've said endlessly, gays have a right to their beliefs, OUTSIDE of Christianity. But to attempt the idea of gay marriage, under the facade that Christianity endorses it, is to warp the meaning of Christianity out from under the Christians who practice it.
It is a violation of Christian ideology and teaching.
To me, it's like a black guy trying to join the Klu Klux Klan.
Or a Klansman trying to join the N.A.A.C.P.
Or a bunch of Christians getting together and creating a new denomination "Islam".
Or a bunch of radical Palestinians getting together and forming a new denomination, calling it "Judaism".

The polar difference in ideology in all of these examples would make any of these occurrences justifiably threatening to the given pre-existing organizations and religions.

Again, gays have a right to their lifestyle. They do NOT have the right to distort the meaning and traditions of Christianity.

Raising the same allegations doesn't make them any less flawed than the first time they were raised.

The argument seems to be that Christianity is a club whose rights can be violated, while homosexuality is a club whose rights cannot.

I know it bothers a lot of people here, but Christians DO have a right to follow the Bible as it is written.