This is from page 4..I'm gonna bow out of this one and leave my thoughts again.... I think these succinctly show my opinion...

Originally posted by Pig Iron:
Oh boy, where to start...???

First, let me say I'm a very horrible Christian..I'm not good at it but I try. This is where my opinions are coming from...

While, I understand the words seperation of church and state have become a cliche in our culture that has been falsely propagated...I also know that our country is a secular one at heart and always has been. Yes, we have practiced various religions, mostly christian, from the onset and were basically created out of Christian ideals. We still do not, and have never had a state sponsored religion. Our leaders have always been vague about GOD, and what GOD they were talking about. They never mentioned Jesus in the Constitution, nor did they mention Jahweh. They couldn't because there is a thing called freedom of religion. That also falls to people who are agnostic or atheistic or satanist.

Many states have sodomy laws, prostitution laws, and age consent laws...but mostly they are state laws..not federal laws. I do not believe or agree with the practice of homosexuality, but that is my belief and opinion, and I believe one shared by my Bible and God. That said, there are many other practices that my bible does not agree with as well. And I'm sure these practices are looked upon just as sharply. After all, even if you like calling homosexuality an abomination or a desolation or whatever...It's still a sin. And I can only remember 1 unforgivable sin..that's calling a work of the devil a work of god, and debatably suicide.

A sin is a sin folks. And most people here are probably all sinners with a capital S. Do you honestly believe God sits upstairs and thinks... " AAh, those two guys can't ever get into Heaven because they had sex with each other."?? No, only if they never repent of it. And that's strictly from a judeo-christian viewpoint. I'm sure God looks on 98% just as disdainfully...Those of us who are always watching R rated movies, watching porn, lusting after women, drinking beer, having sex freely, commiting adultery, stealing, envying, being back-stabbers, gambling, wasting money, not tithing properly, lacking faith, being mean-spritted, etc, etc, etc, etc...... Let him/her who is without sin cast the first stone... yes, God hates homosexuality, but he hates almost everything else about western lifestyles as well...
Sins aren't're forgiven or you aren't. Any pastor, rabbi, clergyman, or reverand worth his salt would never marry 2 homosexual men or can there ever truly be a godly sponsored, because the person performing the ceremony couldn't really be a Christian.

I don't like the idea of same sex partners being able to get married, but this is 21st century secular America. A place where all traditional "christian" values have become distorted and ramrodded. The thing I find most shocking is that after all the desensitizations we have endured is that people actually seem to be shocked by the idea of same sex marriage. I for one am the last person to sit here and say exactly what 2 free adult citizens can do and what rights the state affords them. I wish Christians would worry more about telling and showing homosexual people how they should live rather than demanding it of them. I wish people would quite thinking of the Bible as hate literature, because basically it disdains us all- not exclusively homosexuals. We cannot change what is wrong or evil in the eyes of God to suit our own wishes. We have to recognize the wrong we are commiting and ask forgiveness for it.

Never forget that we are indeed living in a secular nation as much as christians want to claim it is a christian one. So we should try to live a holy life and live by example. After all, if we can't be responsible for ourselves how can we help to be instruments to help others? Gay marriage in the US will happen and it will happen sooner rather than later. So be responsible for yourself and your family. And try to be a positive example and influence for everyone else and help when you can. Yes, a person can oppose this and oppose that and try to ban this or ban that, but most laws don't modify behavior..they may limit it, but they don't stop it.

Quite honestly, the only thing I am concerned about is that Pedophiles are always riding on the coat tails of the homosexual they are doing marvelously at in Canada. I'm fearful that the legitimaztion and recognition of homosexual marriage will lead to the recognition of pedophiles as a legitimate group as well. You think it won't happen.You might laugh at me now, but wait 8-10 years and you'll see the cultural changes and the lawyers, psychiatrists, lobbyists and politicians all seeking to protect this "misunderstood" group. So my advice is to take the energy you have against homosexual marriage and start early on the pedophilia movement and age of consent laws. There you may be able to make a difference, and protect something that the "christian" God holds so dear..namely children.

Klinton and anyone else. I have several homosexual acquantances and often hang out with them and have an interesting time. While I won't lie and say they are my best friends I do like them and am glad to know them. So I hope that makes me just a little less of a Bastard...