Originally posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:

I don't think several pages of having my clear statements paraphrased and redirected represents my views accurately, or is at this point productive.

A shot at me? I was trying to clarify where you draw the line. If they were paraphrased, they were done so for the sake of debate, and accurately, too.

The big problem in arguing this point with you, Dave, is that as a relgious conservative your ultimate argument is that the Bible tells you what your position is. Unfortunately you think this is logical. As I've been trying to point out, you can have faith in something which can defy logic, and that's fine. But don't try and call it logical.

While I can understand the attraction of Christianity and think that it is overall the most tolerant religion practiced today, there is nothing logical in having your views on homosexual marriage dictated to you by a 2000- 3000 year old document.