Originally posted by Dave:

The big problem in arguing this point with you, Dave, is that as a relgious conservative your ultimate argument is that the Bible tells you what your position is. Unfortunately you think this is logical. As I've been trying to point out, you can have faith in something which can defy logic, and that's fine. But don't try and call it logical.

While I can understand the attraction of Christianity and think that it is overall the most tolerant religion practiced today, there is nothing logical in having your views on homosexual marriage dictated to you by a 2000- 3000 year old document.

In your opinion. Mine has abundantly been made as well, and has been repeated quite a bit over the last 20 pages now.

I don't feel a need to ridicule and harrass you for holding a different view. Whereas I think you've crossed that line.
You can allege that you've made the argument for gay marriage and Christian ignorance, but I'm not buying it, and you make your case by ignoring the factual points I've made (specifically among them, the Bible clearly says what it says about homosexuality's immorality, and that marriage is, at least in the Unites States, and the rest of the Judao-Christian world, as well as the Muslim world and the Asian world, a ceremony before God joining a man and a woman. In religious law as well as secular law, for at least 6000 years. "Gay marriage" is a contrivance of the last two decades of human law, with no basis in long-established theology or longstanding marriage law.)

And I'm far from alone in that view, however much you attempt to distort and ridicule that view.

You have an opinion, to which you're entitled. I hold an opinion as well, which I've laid out at considerable length.
If you feel a need to label me "illogical" by your subjective interpretation, so be it. But I've laid out my case, and it's ultimately your opinion -vs- my opinion.
You choose to circumvent and dismiss the Bible as a valid source of opinion on the subject. I don't.