Originally posted by Matt Kennedy:
My, my. Cowgirl, have you completely lost your mind? Bejabbers! My little jibe at your expense earlier was pretty tame ( and only in response to you flinging an insult my way first, as a matter of fact ), but you are literally frothing at the mouth like a grade A whack-job here. What gives???

Guess what? I didn't take it as a jibe. You know exactly what buttons to push. Congrates. Well, does it hurt when someone pushes back?

Maybe my anger is a result of your behavior. I fine until you started pissing on everyone. Your making everyone made. I since I do agree you on some points, having you make stupid comments makes my case look bad.

Guess I'll just have to chock it up to sexual frustration on your part and leave it at that... [wink]
Well pardon me for placing my education before sex. Sexual frustrarion? Please. Everyone else here knows by now its that time of the month. Just put it on your calander from now on.