Originally posted by klinton:
Originally posted by Pig Iron:
The writer also said that Homosexuality was a result of a generational family curse.

Not saying I share the belief, but from a biblical viewpoint it gives credance to homosexuality being genetic rather than learned behavior as some believe. The arguement was definitley not compassionate, but was interesting. But I personally am more inclined to believe something like that than simply believing homesexuality being a choice rather than genetic.


First it's immoral to just be myself, and live a normal life. Now I'm decidely cursed by God? A test for the twisted people who called themselves my parents? I've been trying to avoid this ridiculous thread and the bullshit that it's been spewing, but c'mon folks, if this gets anymore blatantly hateful and sick...

You do realize folks that Adolf fucking Hitler presented an entire array of 'scientific' and 'biblical' evidence for his genocide. If you read up on it, alot of it came across a hell of a lot like the shit in this thread.

Good Christians my ass....You smug fucks!

Think about it this way, Klinton. You don't live your life according to the moral standards of 17th century France, or 14th century Mexico, or 2nd century Sweden. So why should you live your life according to the moral standards of 1st century Palestine?

I should think you'd be bothered by it for about, oh, I'd say, 2 seconds.