Originally posted by Captain Sammitch:
I'm not an expert on why some people are homosexuals and some aren't, but I seriously think you'll find a more plausible answer in psychology than in genetics. Nobody is born gay. At least there hasn't been any conclusive evidence to support that idea yet.

Dammit, if I post in this topic ONE MORE TIME...

Some gay people would agree with you about the psych thing. Many don't though. For me it just doesn't jibe. My sexual orientation just seemed to be always there in the way I suspect most heterosexual people always had theirs. Also homosexuals seem to come from all types of parents. I would think there would be some type of common link apparent but it's just not there.

I always wondered if it was something related to our instincts like "fight or flight" Dumb animals have mating instincts to keep their species alive. What if we had those insticts too but they're just weaker? And if we did it would be then just a case of having the wrong instinct gene or whatever telling us to be interested in the same sex.