I agree with you Klinton, that gays & lesbians just are. It's who they are, not who they decided to be. I think some are confusing the sexual acts, with the true feelings behind the acts. Engaging in same-sex sex isn't what makes a person gay. If that were the case, then most of the prison population would be gay (as opposed to making use of available resources). But, I'm willing to bet most revert back to opposite-sex sex upon release from prison/access to wimmins.

Futhermore, my belief is that all humans are inherently bi-sexual. It's the straight behavior that's the learned behavior, due to family/societal pressures throughout history. These stigmas/taboos/pressures are just so prevalent & deeply ingrained that most of us don't realise we've been effected by them. My view is that any heavily stigmatised or taboo behavior is one because it is our natural state. If it wasn't, you wouldn't need the strong stigma or taboo to discourage it.