Some reaction:

Bennett on the Nature of Sexuality and Marriage

After reading William J. Bennett's "What Nature Joins Let No Gays Put Asunder" (Commentary, Oct. 17), in which he makes such a point of the natural purpose of sexual union between a man and a woman, I was moved to remember Shakespeare: "Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments."

I am fortunate to have been married for 20 years, and find that the marriage of minds Shakespeare celebrates is the more important ingredient. Where love conflicts with traditional sexual roles, I cast my vote for love. I do not understand the argument that allowing others to be married weakens my marriage in particular or the institution of marriage in general, even when some people choose unions I would not consider for myself.

Ernesto Gomez



Human sexuality is far more complex than Bennett seems to be able to understand, although for all of us who are gay, it is a simple matter that we were born attracted to people of our own gender. So to live a lie and pretend to be heterosexual, we not only violate our own humanness but also hurt those we try to be straight with.

Human sexuality is a natural drive to bond adults together, as well as produce children. In his infinite wisdom God made humans capable of responding to life in a number of ways. If Bennett could take time to listen to himself, he might recognize how a life of deceit can be harmful to those in his own life.

Dan Gumbleton



Will someone please tell the withered and ridiculous Bennett to get back to his slot machines and stop trying to dictate his own flawed morality to the rest of the world? Gay people don't want to "redefine" marriage; they want to participate. Gay people just can't win with the family-values crowd. If they're promiscuous and freewheeling, they're condemned as hedonists. If they want to settle down and nest (parroting a non-gay lifestyle), they're condemned for destroying marriage. Sheesh.

People like Bennett know that they can muster lots of political support for their born-again commander in chief if they stir panic about evil gays trying to ruin marriage. That's what's behind President Bush's "Marriage Protection Week." It's not about morality; it's about votes.

Tim Bryant

West Hollywood


Bennett views marriage primarily as a sexual relationship while, in fact, it is a legal relationship offering protections to the participants. The U.S. should follow the example of many other countries and separate the religious and legal aspects of marriage. Marriage should be a civil union performed before a judge or other government representative. Those who wish to sanctify the union can then have a religious ceremony. Our present system of allowing religious leaders to act as agents of the government has confused the perception of marriage.

Bob Marlin

Los Angeles


Bennett is absolutely correct in his assertion that homosexuality has no place in marriage. The rise of homosexuality is a phenomenon fed by this "do whatever feels good" age, combined with the liberal garbage Hollywood and television force-feed the populace. With everything on television being sexually themed, are we surprised? This country's moral compass is now upside down as we slip further and further into decay and acceptance of previously immoral actions and behaviors. God said homosexuality is an "abomination" and, for me, that is the bottom line.

Gregg Freeman

Simi Valley


Numerous studies show that the rates of divorce, domestic violence and child abuse, homelessness, bankruptcy, suicide and many other ills are significantly higher in families of gambling addicts. Having lost a reported $8 million to his own gambling addiction, it would appear that Bennett is highly qualified to exhort people to avoid gambling lest they destroy their marriages, lives or professional reputations. But beyond that, he's just another right-wing gasbag trying to preach a hypocritical "morality" to others.

Jeff Nelson


My own opinions?

Well, seeing as how i've been freinds with several gay people ever since high school, I can safetly attest that they in no way "chose" to be gay because "it feels good". If that were justification, wouldn't more "immoral" straight people be putting their johnsons into other men?

One of my best freinds is a gay man. I met him though when he was the boyfreind of a good female freind of mine. Their relationship was pretty much a disaster because he was trying to confom to being a straight man and carry a heterosexual relationship when it really wasn't in his nature. The end result was a miserable, frustrated, and suffering girlfreind and a miserable, frustrated, and suffereing boyfreind. Once he 'came out" and accepted his nature and his sexuality, he was a much happier person and he was free of the guilt that came with not being able to be what others wanted of him. His 'girlfreind, his family and mostly, himself out of a need to be "normal".

He's still a cool guy. He still has a killer record collection and taste in music. He can still outdrink anybody i know and he still throws great parties. Only he just chooses to be committed to another man.

He's just one person. I Know several others. I can honestly say that being gay is initially more of a burden for them than a blessing. Mostly having to do with social acceptance, stigmas and ridicule. i think suicide rates among teen homosexuals can corroborate this.

As with global warming though, I think depending on what ideology one CHOOSES to follow detirmines just how willing people are to accept news stories like the one posted above and how they choose to accept homosexuals.

My big desire to see DEFINATIVE UNQUESTIONALBE PROOF is borne out of a desire to finally see homophoboia put where it belongs, in the category of bigotry.


\Big"ot*ry\, n. [Cf. F. bigoterie.] 1. The state of mind of a bigot; obstinate and unreasoning attachment of one's own belief and opinions, with narrow-minded intolerance of beliefs opposed to them.

Honestly, to me, it just means a better single female to male ratio. Why any straight man would challenge that is bewildering.  -