I can't beleive this shit is still being debated...I go away for like four months and you arrogant assholes are still pontificating about how wrong and morraly corrupt us 'faggots' are. Shut the fuck up and go mind your own fucking lives. Once you breeders manage to get your own shit sorted (that would involve a higher than 51 percent marriage sucess rate) you can come back and tell me and my fellow faggot brothers and sisters how we should live our lives. Until then, you have no clue what it's like to live as a gay man or woman in a judeo-christian society and shit like 'it should remain a classifiable mental illness' is just fucked up, back assward bullshit. I know you have your religious beliefs...but keep them the hell to yourself. Really, shut the fuck up.

I honestly can't believe this topic hasn't died. I'd never sit here and debate the right of a pregnant woman to get an abortion (a decidedly un-christian prqctice)...So please just ignore us and let us go about living a normal life, with all of the freedoms and liberties that you slef-righteously take for granted. Fuck...You cannot imagine how fucking irritated I am to come in here after so many months and see the same fucking assholes telling me what's right and wrong.

SHUT UP! (And God bless...)