It's not about bitterness, much as you'd like to rationalize my opposition to gay marriage by assuming that I am.

It's about warping of values. Gays have the right to do whatever they want. All I ask is they do it behind closed doors, and don't harass the rest of us with what they believe.

But as the explanation I've given at length has detailed, tolerance of the gay lifestyle has just emboldened gays to push for more invasiveness and warping of mainstream values.
It's not enough that gays can live together and be happy, and have spousal benefits and so forth, they have to force the rest of us to warp the long-standing definition of marriage from one man/one woman (a tradition as old as the human race), to whatever abberation of that rationalizes their gay lifestyle.

I get outraged by things that defy common sense.

I don't like seeing murderers go free.

I don't like people saying that if a nativity scene is put in front of a government building, it's an intolerable outrage, when Christianity is the foundation of this country's government, and the majority religion of its population.

And that a public school teacher can't even say "Merry Christmas" to her students, but instead has to say the more politically correct and neutral "happy holidays". Christianity is still the dominant religion in the U.S., but that is rapidly changing due to secularist anti-Christian forces in our culture, that try to re-write history and biasedly push Christianity out of the mainstream.

And similarly, it bugs the hell out of me when gays, about 2% or so of the U.S. population, and the liberals who support them who have a contempt for all things traditional, try to usurp the 98%majority and warp the definition of marriage out from under the rest of us. A deceitful few, usurping the majority, through misrepresentation and underhanded manipulation.

Permissiveness toward gays over the last 3 decades has only resulted in allowing gays to further pervert society, and allowed gays to demand even greater concessions from the mainstream.
Threesomes, bisexuality, group sex, bondage, sado-masochism, an increasing array of illicit drugs, all these things are far more prevalent because of the tolerance of gays.
And each new generation has an increasingly warped sense of what "normal" is, and a decreasing ability to see how our society is descending toward lawlessness, and on a path toward self-destruction.