Originally posted by Jim Jackson:

Dave, the thing is, in this discussion, we all know you have an agenda with this...you've argued that homosexuality is a violation of God's law based on biblical passages. What you're doing is obvious...you're trying to attach the supposed biblical evidence to an onstensible scientific context by saying that a few psychology types believe that gays can benefit from counseling and can even undergo orientation change.

Nice try. I have my doubts that anyone'll convince the bulk of psychologists that homosexuality is a mental/behavior "condition" deserved of treatment so long as the gay person lives a functional, reasonably contented life.


Oh, right, I have "an agenda". EVERYONE has a set of beliefs, and therefore everyone making counter-points to me ALSO has "an agenda", including yourself. Your contempt for Christianity and conservative values in general is palpable, so arguably, you have an anti-traditional agenda.
If you choose to look at it that way. I don't think I have "an agenda", I simply have values that I believe in, that I see maligned and circumvented by others who choose to have contempt for what I believe.

If the majority of psychologists cannot be convinced, it's only because political correctness bars the way, and psychologists who buck the pro-gay mainstream know they will pay a heavy price for it professionally, and see their reputation dragged through the mud.

(See the editorial from the editor of Psychology Today that I posted above, to see the type of crap any professional has to put up with, who even tries to honestly weigh the politically correct support of gay rights. It's a holy war on progress by gay activists, and pure intimidation of anyone who dares to question the Party Line. )


Captain Sammich, you're absolutely right about the apparent futility of being persistent. People believe what they want to believe.
And anyone who dares to disagree is "hateful" and has "an agenda".