"If the majority of psychologists cannot be convinced, it's only because political correctness bars the way, and psychologists who buck the pro-gay mainstream know they will pay a heavy price for it professionally, and see their reputation dragged through the mud."

Convinced of what? You make it sound as though it's FACT that homosexuality is a mental illness deserved of treatment. Since it is not fact, there is nothing to convince psychologists about.

Doesn't the fact that there may be a "pro gay mainstream" say something about the possibility that homosexuality is not an illness? Do you see any obsessive-compulsive disorder mainstream out there trying to get OCD out of the DSM?

Yes, we all have personal beliefs, and psychology is certainly one discipline where those beliefs are held strongest because psychology is talking about the science of the human condition. No one will give up their pet theories of the human condition easily.

That said, on what basis are you arguing for benefit of treating homosexuality? Would you argue it's necessary for the gay person who is contented, functioning, and acting as a productive member of society? Or for the unhappy, malfunctioning gay person? If you argue for the second, hell, ANY shrink would say that that person can benefit from therapy, and their homosexuality may or may not have a damned thing to do with why they're presenting.
