Originally posted by Jim Jackson:
"I'd be content (and was for 10 years) to allow spousal benefits for gays, and a don't-ask-don't-tell policy for gays in the military. That was the balance for 10 years. But that's not good enough for your kind."

You have outed yourself. You hate those who do not conform to your Bible thumping way of life. You've already said that Islam is the enemy.

My god, you are an insular, pathetic creature, if what you say here is any indication of the kind of human being you are.

More insults. To rationalize your own anger and ignorance toward those who don't believe as you do.
You seem oblivious to the fact that I allow for a balance between Christian and gay rights, but that gay rights has crossed a line that infringes on MY rights.

What an insular, pathetic excuse for a human being YOU are, that you need to lash out with this kind of venom at those who disagree with you.
Truly, you are so closed minded that you can't even hear an opposing viewpoint, no matter how respectfully voiced, without lashing out like this.

Aww, I'm being too nice. Certainly, your antagonism deserves a backlash deconstructing precisely what an angry and intolerant piece of human crap you are. Who in your intolerance and vindictiveness, has the audacity to call ME intolerant.

You're just annoyed that I can even voice an opposing view. And like so many liberals, you need to slander, box-categorize, and otherwise dismiss anything that opposes your own views. Because after all, you're a liberal, and you have all the answers, if these conservatives would just shup up and take it. Damn them for daring to have a dissenting opinion, and even worse, one that makes sense.

Like I said, your ideal is a liberal police state, where any conservative opinion --opinion, mind you, just opinion-- is a hate-crime, and too vile to even be permitted to be spoken.

Our culture is rapidly moving in that direction.