Originally posted by britneyspearsatemyshorts:

Dave you've got the ladies in an uproar!

Ha !
Don't I, though.

I initially just responded to a point, and went through two topic pages addressing the off-topic insults and allegations against my character, for simply voicing logical objections to the gay perspective, and how it treads on my beliefs.
Ultimately, all I did was offer the counter-view, from the conservative/mainstream perspective.

I definitely take exception to the view by Klinton that gays having a right to marriage "doesn't affect" me, as a non-gay.

On the contrary, as I've detailed repeatedly, it changes the definition of marriage and the integrity of Christianity, if our culture permits gay marriage.
If gays are recognized as a "legitimate" minority, then a Christian who owns a business doesn't have the right to not hire a gay person whose lifestyle they don't agree with.
A Christian apartment building owner doesn't have the right to refuse a lease to gays whose lifestyle he doesn't want to endorse or associate with.
And ULTIMATELY, Christian parents attempting to raise their children teaching them Biblical principles, don't have the ability to prevent public schools from teaching a contradictory values system about homosexuality, without public school teachers and the entire system undermining the core values these parents are trying to teach their children.

And as britney said to Animalman's post about the CBS opinion poll on the previous topic page, that says 40% of America is okay with gay marriage. All that shows is the liberal/pro-gay propaganda already in britney's words "your influence is growing", and have swayed a whole generation away from the true Biblical perspective.

And as I said, to even quote Biblical verses that say homosexuality is immoral, can ALREADY be considered a "hate crime" in Canada. If that's not an infringement on freedom of religion, then I don't know what is. So much for gay rights not affecting me.

And, bottom line, Christians (and others who don't share an enthusiasm for the gay lifestyle, and there are many) lose the ability to preserve their culture because of government interference.
Because liberals are hell-bent on promoting decadence and anarchy, as the end result of their confused definition of "tolerance".

Originally posted by Animalman:
Yeah, ok, maybe I'm kicking a dead horse here, but there was one point made that I feel compelled to contend, it's an itch I have to scratch:
posted by Dave the Wonder Boy:

YOU'RE the one representing the 2% who is trying to change the definition of marriage out from under the 98% majority.

Not quite, Dave. As I said in the other thread, it's actually more like 40%, and those numbers have shown growth over the last few decades.

....that's all I wanted to say.

Here are the details of the survey poll you linked:

CBS news poll:

NEW YORK, July 30, 2003

(CBS) Just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Texas law banning sodomy, more Americans object to legal marriage for homosexuals than support it.

In the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, 55 percent would oppose a law allowing homosexual couples to marry, giving them the same legal rights as other married couples, while 40 percent would favor such a law.


Republicans hold particularly strong views against gay marriage: 71 percent of them oppose it, and 27 percent favor it. Democrats and Independents are more evenly divided; 45 percent of Democrats support it, as do 45 percent of Independents.

Younger people are much more likely than older Americans to support gay marriage. Sixty-one percent of 18- to 29-year-olds favor it; that drops to just 18 percent among people 65 and older.

Opposition to gay marriage is strong among conservatives (71 percent oppose it), blacks (63 percent) and Protestants (64 percent). Catholics also oppose it, though by a smaller margin than the entire population; 44 percent favor it and 50 percent oppose it.

There are no real differences between men and women on this issue.


This poll was conducted among a nationwide random sample of 3,092 adults interviewed by telephone July 13-27, 2003. The error due to sampling could be plus or minus two percentage points for results based on the entire sample.

I'll assume (and that's a big assumption) that the poll is an accurate representation of American public opinion.

As britney already said on the last page of this topic regarding gays, "your influence is growing!
", and that 40% approval number is the end result of three decades of liberal propaganda that have corroded public opinion, which has solicited a more politically correct passive response in those taking the survey.

It's ALSO not 40% of the public in this survey that endorses and embraces the gay lifestyle, it's 40% of people saying yeah, sure whatever, let them marry if they want to.
So it's still 2% of the population who is gay and wants to change the definition of marriage -vs- the definition of marriage as one-man/one-woman that works for the other 98% who are heterosexual.

But again, that's assuming the survey can even be trusted to be an accurate representation of what our nation truly thinks. (As the poll says, just over 3,000 people were surveyed for their opinion, out of a U.S. population of 290 million people. And as others have said, the way questions are asked in a poll can get the kind of answers someone wants. )

And again, as I said prior, regarding it being "a small group of psychologists" lobbying for homosexuality to again be categorized as a mental illness, as Jim Jackson alleges, it is again political correctness that keeps many psychologists from objecting, since any psychologist will have their name dragged through the mud for holding or publicly supporting such a politically incorrect view.

Again, the links at the top of page 23 show what happened to the editor of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, who lays out his liberal credentials and says he was trashed for simply making an objective inquiry to prove or disprove that homosexuality is a healthy state of mind. Even asking the question is an outrage, for which liberals and the gay community will trash someone for even attempting to objectively address.