Good God. You guys are just amazing, your obsession with smothering any dissent of your views.

While I may not be a psychologist or part of the association of professional psychologists, I said earlier in the topic that I once wrote what I thought was a very balanced and neutral article on gays in the military. Our magazines were stolen from the news-stands by gay activists, to prevent my article from being read, quickly accompanied by an anonymous phone message to our editorial office, explaining the theft of our magazines from the vendor stands: "You published a story, now you're going to pay the price". A message I'll never forget, that I replayed a hundred times, as did my editor and publisher.

In the two year history of my column, where I'd written about politics, racial issues, the 1992 riots in L.A., and other controversial issues, this was the first and only time that I was threatened and my editor and publisher were threatened (phone messages as well as letters), and our magazines were stolen from their retail stands by activists to prevent their being read.

Up until that time, my opinion of gays was much more favorable and accepting. It was at precisely this point I became aware of gays as an intolerant and downright militant political force, who intimidate their critics into silence.

Similarly, the New York State school system's Superintendant who was fired in 1992, after angry parents demanded removal of the "multicultural program" he introduced, a program utilizing children's books with snappy titles like Heather Has Two Mommies, and Daddy's Room-mate, to introduce elementary school kids (!!!!!) to the notion of gay couples and gay parents.
This didn't go over well with conservative parents, and the program, along with the superintendaant who introduced it, were finally removed, after much PTA infighting. Again, threats were made by gay activists, and there were actually two car-bombings. No one was hurt, but needless to say, this was done for intimidation of those removing the program. So teachers as well know about intimidation.

So while I'm not a professional psychologist, I'm familiar with the tactics of gay activists, toward whatever source criticizes the gay perspective.

I've answered all the questions you raise at length in prior posts, in this very long now-26-page topic. If you choose not to read the topic, i don't feel obligated to repeat myself.

You've tried every slanderous tactic in the book to discredit me.
And gays as a whole have done the same to any professional who has put forth any opposition to gay rights. There are very few who are willing to put up with that kind of harassment, and most will just back off.

Call me strange, but I just feel any group who utilizes that kind of intimidation and harassment can't be up to anything good.

Matter Eater Man, I wasn't surprised by what you posted about NARTH or the PSYCHOLOGY TODAY editor.
I didn't expect you to compliment them on what a great job they're doing.

That letter looks like it was produced by the gay equivalent of the Anti-Defamation League. ( For anyone unfamiliar with the ADL, it is a Jewish counter-propaganda organization that bites back hard at anything critical of Jews or Israel. Needless to say from my prior comments, I'm pro-Israel, but that is an absolute fact that ADL serves this function. )

And that's exactly what that letter (attacking the psychologists who treat homosexuality as a disease) is. I can just see the foam pouring out his mouth as the guy (Wayne Besen) wrote that piece of bitter propaganda bashing NARTH and PSYCHOLOGY TODAY editor Epstein.