Animalman, you've done it once again.

You've gone point-by-point through my long post where I was careful to address every issue you raised, and you just came back ONCE AGAIN, ignored my points, just re-stated what you believe, claimed I didn't make my case (by which I can only assume that you can't read, because I've been detailing the case for my perspective since page 2 of this topic).
You've again ignored my arguments and simply re-stated your side, when your side is already abundantly clear.

All you've done is smother my opinion in yet another long post of your attempted deconstruction, re-spin, and misrepresented me as allegedly not having made my case, when in truth I have.
Over and over.

I've laid out that the Biblical concept of marriage is in diametric opposition to the notion of gay marriage. Homosexuality is unquestionably adultery, as I've laid out chapter and verse from the Bible.
And the cross-reference of these verses makes their meaning beyond question:
Homosexuality is sin, adultery, abomination, detestable in the eyes of God, a prophecied precursor of a civilization turning away from God and facing imminent self-destruction.
How much more clearly can I say it?

I've been saying it since page 2.

Whatever you choose to believe, I've made it CRYSTAL clear that gay rights imposes on Christians' right to practice their religion as it is taught in the Bible, and obstructs preservation of the Christian lifestyle by smothering us all in a relentless wave of secularist/liberal/pro-gay propaganda, even in public schools.
Propaganda alleging that there's nothing immoral or abberant about homosexuality. And backing that pro-homosexuality liberal agenda with a lot of unproven pseudo-scientific mythology that is as much a religion of faith as Christianity. (i.e., that homosexuality is inborn, a gay gene, that being gay can't be controlled, that it's not an abberant compulsion like gambling or alcoholism, etc.)

You give lip service to equality of all ideas, but just as you hype your secularist liberal version of the facts here, you know very well that the secularist pro-gay liberal perspective is taught in schools, and Christianity is barred from the classroom. So you can wax philosophic about equal representation all you like, but you hypocritically ignore that Christianity is omitted and homosexuality is endorsed in the present system. What you say about wanting true equality is just empty words.

Again, Ive made clear that legalizing gay marriage forces that definition of marriage on Christians as well.
THAT is discrimination against Christians, and stomps on the rights of Christians, and is also discrimination against all others of other religions who don't recognize homosexuality as moral or socially acceptable. And discriminates against non-religious people who don't believe in homosexuality as well. The pro-gay perspective is a pseudo-religious belief system that is publicly advocated and taught in schools, while Christianity is excluded and undermined.

Finally, the point about teachers who can't say "Merry Christmas".
My mother was a teacher in Palm Beach County for 17 years before she retired. (And taught in private school before that.) And that is what she told me, and other teachers I know through her told me. The schools could have displays of Christmas trees, and give neutral greetings such as "Happy Holidays", that celebrated the general holiday season, but were prohibited from any artwork or displays or personal expressions that favored Christians regarding the holidays.

And there again, the enforced secularization, where religion cannot be discussed, but a teacher can be known to be gay and even express they are proud to be gay, simply creates a system where religion cannot root, but secularist/anti-Christian ideas will be encouraged and inevitably dominate, and ultimately leverage Christianity further and further out of the picture with each new generation.

Gays can't legally marry in the U.S., but so what?

Gays can live together.
They have spousal benefits, just by living together.
They can hold hands and kiss in public.
There are gay night clubs where they can socialize, in addition to any other public place they choose to go.

I fail to see any persecution.

An oft-quoted statistic (most recently I heard it from Ted Koppel on Nightline) is that gays, far from being discriminated against, have the highest per capita income of any group.
I fail to see the necessity of gay marriage, beyond harassment of the Christian community, and chipping away at Christian religious freedom.

In the Bible that invented the Judao-Christian concept of marriage gay marriage is clearly not a concept compatible with the Biblical view of homosexuality.
Or with the Muslim concept of marriage.
Or the concept of marriage in Hindu India, where marriage means one-man/one woman.
Or the concept in Taoist/Buddhist China and throughout the Far East, where marriage again means one-man/one-woman.
As I said before, but your inability to read forces me to repeat.

So it isn't just Christianity that gay marriage threatens. It's every human culture that exists, and has existed for 6000 years.
And suddenly gays come along and want to change that definition?
By what arrogance do they think they have that right?

Marriage has a very clear definition.

Only three countries in the world (Netherlands, Belgium and now Canada) have usurped that standard with a gay/liberal alternative definition, allowing gay marriage. And very recently.
And if popular opinion in the United States is any indication, it was an elite bunch of liberals in these three countries who usurped the will of the majority to legalize gay marriage in these places.

In any case, I've made my points clear:
How gay marriage is in contradiction to the Bible, and millenia of human tradition in every culture.
How gay rights undermines and infringes on religious freedom.
How gays use intimidation to silence and otherwise trash any political opposition to gay rights.

As I (again) already said, I was tolerant of gays, when there was a balance, where gays had a right to live together and work without persecution and even enjoy benefits of living together. Roughly the last 10 or 15 years.

But now "gay marriage" threatens that balance, and forces legalistic legitimacy of the clearly illegitimate concept of gay marriage on the whole of society, which infringes on those who are Christian and of other faiths, who don't buy what is being shoved down our throats.

You can dress it up as many times as you want, but it's still a liberal rationalization that bypasses the truth. We're headed toward a world where gays have rights and Christians don't.