
Matter-Eater Man:
The social acceptance of same-gender relationships did not gain widespread condemnation until the 13th century, when religious orders stepped in and declared them immoral

The condemnation of sodomy pre-dates the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible, and as I've earlier detailed in this topic, verses of Biblical scripture CLEARLY condemn homosexuality, from Genesis forward.
It was under Moses, around 1400 B.C. that written language began, and the verbal history of the Jews was first begun in Hebrew, Aramaic, and later (with the New Testament) Greek.
Written language began in Mesopotamia, Egypt and elsewhere, several hundred years prior to Moses writing the first five books of the Bible (i.e., The Pentateuch) and the Jews, previously uneducated nomadic shepherds, learned writing and other cultural ways of the Egyptians in the 300 years or so they lived in Egypt, prior to their later being enslaved by the Egyptians, and finally leaving Egypt in EXODUS. (All detailed in the latter half of Genesis and early chapters of Exodus).

But scripture, beginning with Genesis in 1400 B.C., clearly takes a hardline against homosexual practices.

Furthermore, any gay marriages by Presbyterians or any other Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish denomination is also a practice that clearly goes against scripture. Any Judao-Christian "service" that endorses or enacts gay marriage is Christian in name ONLY, and clearly does not follow what the Bible teaches.

Islam, which took hold in 600 to 700 A.D., as well condemns homosexuality, and well before the 13th century. (Which according to the article, was when homosexuality was suddenly allegedly "declared immoral". The pure and simple fact is homosexuality was widely condemned long before the 13th century. And not just by the Judao-Christian Bible. )

The written Bible clearly condemns homosexuality from its very beginning. Which again, predates the alleged 13th-century origin of condemning homosexuality by 2000 years.
And Jewish tradition condemning homosexuality predates much further than that, before written scripture, to the time of Abraham and Lot -- the time of Sodom and Gomorrah-- in Genesis chapters 18 and 19 which events are projected to have occurred between 2166 B.C. to 2066 B.C.)

And the Bible again sees widespread acceptance of homosexuality as a prophetic precursor to a society's destruction.

Looking at Babylonian, Greek and Roman cultures as examples, it seems that the Biblical perspective is quite accurate, that homosexuality marks the point of decline and downfall of those cultures.

Many of these cultures that endorsed homosexuality also practiced the occult, astrology, fortune-telling, human sacrifice and the drinking of human blood as well. Practices that are as frequently condemned as homosexuality in the Bible, and whose prevalence are also seen as prophetic signs, which are also occurring with increasing frequency in current culture.