KrazyXXX DJ,

Your post indicates that you believe YOUR beliefs are the only ones that matter, and that anyone who disagrees with you has the right to be over-run by the agenda you advocate.
If only these ignorant Christians would just shut up and stand aside, you seem to say. Then we (gays) would have our freedom.
Well gee whiz, I don't know what it's like to be a gay man.

Well, you don't know what it's like to be a conservative white heterosexual male, surrounded by liberals who feel like white conservatives are the only ones in America who aren't entitled to opinion or protection from discrimination. And feel it's their right to constantly rip partisanly on conservative white America, but we aren't even allowed the right to have an opinion or respond.

We all have to face the heat of what we are. And while you like to piss and moan about what a hard road you have to walk as a gay man, the truth is, your experience is probably not much different than my own.
So get off your frickin' white stallion already.

As I just said in my previous post, marriage is sacred to many people, not just Christians. Many cultures, many other religions, and many who are not even religious, ALL recognize marriage as one man/one woman, and don't want that definition changed.
And many recognize "gay marriage" as an oxymoron and a perversion.
It's like changing the word for "grandma" to "dog shit".

Or the word "democracy" to "Rome, 400 A.D."

And I've consistently made this point repeatedly for 30 pages now, and gays like yourself consistently duck, weave, blunt, bypass, and plug your ears and hum, to avoid acknowledging that allowing gay marriage does affect me and my beliefs. It undermines my religious freedom to practice my Christian faith as it truly exists, and gay marriage would be the next step toward chipping away at that freedom, and working toward its complete annihilation in American culture and law.
( And whether you like it or not, religious freedom is the foundation on which American government was formed, and was intended to preserve. Specifically, the freedom to practice Christianity in its Biblical form, not in the form imposed on Europe by the Anglican and Catholic churches. )

As I just said in my previous post, legalizing gay marriage would not be the end of the gay rights issue, it's just the next step toward outlawing the practice of Christianity, as you and liberal schmucks like you slowly eradicate MY rights.

All you care about is your rights. You guys give idealistic lip-service to the rights of all people, but you don't give a damn about my rights being trampled on, so long as you get to do what you want.
And you know damned well what the counter-argument is to the nonsense you're spewing. The truth is, you just don't want to hear it.

But the point of gay/liberal rights snuffing out conservative traditions and values, and raising the level of decadence, permissiveness and chaos in our culture has been abundantly been made here, by myself and others.

You can plug your ears and resume humming now.


"This Man, This Wonder Boy..."