And that's what this is all about. Those in favor of gay marriages are seeking to broaden the definition of marriage so they do have protected rights, which under current conditions don't exist. Those opposed to it are seeking to maintain the current definition of marriage because they feel it would be eroded by what is seen as a very fundamental alteration. That's my most objective assessment of the situation.

I honestly don't know what it's like to walk in a homosexual's shoes. I was born a drug baby in a wildly dysfuctional family, but then adopted by a minister and his wife - who happen to be conservative (often I feel too conservative) - and I have never been abused or neglected. I believe I have found a spiritual path that gives me meaning, even though I often fall short of what I ought to be and don't represent my faith very well sometimes. I am happy with the life I have, and even though there are things that aren't perfect, I accept both the good and the bad.

Not everyone is as fortunate. I don't - I know I shouldn't - expect everyone to make the choices I have made for that very reason. I've said before that in all honesty I don't condone the homosexual lifestyle. But I honestly do care about people - all people - and I am a firm believer that what you do does not determine who you are. I can't say I would cast a vote to support altering the definition of marriage. But I have often demonstrated wherever I am that I can befriend people of other lifestyles, give them care and attention regardless of what I feel about what they do, and be there for them because of who they are, not what they do.

That's just the way I personally feel about all this. I'm sorry if this is offensive to any of you, but I can't in good conscience abandon what I believe. I honestly would not cast a vote supporting gay marriage, but neither will I ever willfully persecute gays or treat them hatefully. The essence of Christianity is to love everyone; NOT by glossing over what they do, but by doing what Jesus did - demonstrating in words and actions the love of God and its ability to change lives in all circumstances.

Just my thoughts.


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