Dave TWB said: "There is no scientific proof to back your allegation that homosexuality is inborn, or to disprove what I've said: that homosexuality is a choice.
As I documented, there are still a number of psychologists who treat homosexuality as a treatable mental disorder, and think it is a mistake and a disservice to homosexuals who need treatment, to NOT treat homosexuality as a treatable disorder, as it was until 1973. (see pages 20 and 21 of this topic)."

Dave, unless you're a psychologist, with training to back it up, please stay away from psychological arguments, OK? It only makes you look foolish (more foolish?).

That there may be some clinicians who see homosexuality as a treatable "condition" does not add any scientific weight to your assertion that homosexuality (or bisexuality) is a choice.

The research into biological, physiological, and social-learning causes or origins or homosexuality continues, at a slow pace, which is the case for investigations into human behavior.

Regarding changes in attitude toward homosexuality by the clinical profession...there were times when no one would have questioned a white man's assertion that owning and controlling a black man was a legal, moral, and healthy thing to do. Nowadays, if a man had that attitude to the point that he was trying to act on it, we'd be insisting that he needed at some kind of psychological/psychiatric intervention.

The medical and psychological community's understanding of human health and behavior has evolved over the centuries. We no longer believe spirits make people sick. We may soon have evidence to say that people don't choose to be gay, too.

I mean, seriously, given the kind of invective you toss about, who'd WANT to be gay?


We all wear a green carnation.