
Jim Jackson said:

Dave the Wonder Boy said:
1) Gay marriage undermines the institution of marriage as it exists in the Judao-Christian Bible. Marriage is a sacred bond between one man/one woman, bound in a ceremony before God.

This is not the United States of Jesus or the United States of Yahweh.


I guess I should be sympathetic to the fact that you've clearly got some issues, and take it in stride that you find it so cathartic to vent on me.

This is the United States of America, whose form of government is clearly founded by Christians, and based on Christian principles, such as "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...".

They believed in the teaching of the Bible in schools, and only saw limitation of religion's part in government to prevent a state-imposed forcing of one form of Christianity on the nation, as occured in Europe under the Roman Catholic church, and under the Anglican church in England.

So in many ways it is the "United States of Yahweh", because without Biblical principles, our government would never have been formed by the men who strongly
believed in Yahweh, Jesus, and the Bible.



thanks for your thoughtful and lengthy response, I'm glad we were able to both clarify our positions, and I have a better idea where you're coming from.