Aside from the sexual orientation debate raging on here, i wanted to bring this back up because it personally offended me. Now i'm assuming that most everyone here is a white male so perhaps these comments didn't come across as immflammatory as the thought of 2 men getting it on. However......


Dave the Wonder Boy said:
Looking at American culture from a racial/ethnic perspective, white/European Americans are and have long been the majority in the U.S., but that is projected to decine to a minority of 43% or so by the year 2040, as non-European immigration, and domestic non-European birth rates increase at a faster rate than domestic white/European Americans (which are at pretty much zero growth rate, pretty much just having two children per family).

So there are two ways in which America is rapidly changing, like at no time in its history:

There is the racial perspective, of a declining European percentage.

And there is the cultural perspective, of liberals attempting to aggressively leverage out conservative institutions.

I think my area in Florida is changing both racially and culturally, at a much faster rate than the rest of the nation.
While I speak Spanish, I resent having to select English when I call my bank or use my ATM.

As I've detailed elsewhere, on the one hand, I find it exciting to meet so many people from so many places. But at the same time, I find it a bit threatening, that immigration and foreign presence in the U.S. has become so overwhelming. I would like to see immigration reduced by at least half, to allow recent immigrants to assimilate into American culture.

But I don't find the racial change in America nearly as threatening as the cultural change: the rise of gay marriage, gay adoption, and gay/liberal undermining of the values that I grew up with.
And swing clubs, rampant escort services and prostitution, and the number of people I've met personally who engage in group sex, promiscuity and drugs. And psychics, and gambling casinos, body piercing, tattoos...

This is not my fricking America.

As someone pointed out somewhere earlier, I think the biggest thing we're facing from a cultural perspective is FEAR.

I just want to say something regarding America one day no longer being the bastion of straight white male supermacy. SO FRICKIN WHAT??!

It certainly is MY AMERICA. And it's the America to millions of people who live together happily with their differences and cultures intact. In Los Angeles, in New York, in Chicago and a growing number of American cities.

To those who reject diversity, well, pretty soon, there won't be a Montana or Arizona where they can flee to 'whiter pastures'. They'll just have to swallow their bigotry and wish their daughters well as they take that nice young black or asian or latino guy to the prom. That or else start fucking each other more to increase their white numbers.

As far as ASSimiliation, I take that to mean the "melting pot" approach. The old Ellis Island ploy of making the Russian "Bogdon" into the Americanized Bobby, the Ukranian "Rudov's" into Rudolph's, the Jose's into "Joe". Why?
Because the white man fears and is repelled by the very notion of ethnicity??
That everything 'not like us' has to be completely obliterated into a nice facsimile of WASP blandness? Yes America is changing.That is not scary in the least. Except perhaps to bigots and white supremacists. People aern't going to come to America any more and "become" what others tell them they have to be in order to be accepted into the mainstream. Which of course is a WASP. So yeah, that offends people hence "english only" laws and immigration wedge rhetoric in the political discourse.

"You don't make me. I AM ME" - John Lydon

Also, whether anyone engages in group sex, in homosexual sex, in body peircing or tattoing and gambling. Again. SO WHAT??!!!

I assumed we we're a free country. Free to embrace or reject puritanical values and ideas. It seems the fact that people who reject the pentecostal mindset far outnumber those who do is what scares you too. And I fail to see any 'sinfulness' in body art. If you step back though, it really sounds like something out of theTaliban Guide to better living. But i guess this is the road you take when you try to legislate 'sanctity'.

As far as Florida, I'm encouraged that at least one area of the deep south will soon resemble other less repressive, more cosmopolitian areas such as the 2 coasts (LA & NY) rather than say, Georgia or Alabama and hopefully drag the rest of the region out of the Confederacy and into the 21st century where the rest of the nation happily resides.

And on to gay marriage......

Again, FEAR. Fear that the old ways are falling by the wayside. Hence a militant conservatism to ensure that everyone once more remembers their place in society.

Now i'm off. As some of you may have noticed, i'm making myself more scarce on account of this place resembling a hate group meeting half the time (namely this thread) amd a curiosity to see if the right wing vitrol would find new targets to vent their paranioa. I see it has.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-02-28 9:41 AM.