Animalman brings up an excellent point, one that probably causes me most of the confusion concerning the term "Christian".

It was always my belief that God loves you no matter what. Others disagree.

Some people say to be a Christian, you MUST follow the teachings as closely as possible. Others say just by "recognizing" Christ, that makes them Christian.

So what you have is a lot of people basing their faith on their own beliefs. Nothing concrete.

I know a LOT of people who recognize Christ, saying they believe in Christ, and that's about the extent of it. Most people just try to live the best they know how. But not all. Others don't. With others, they'll come down on you on what they feel is wrong and contradictary to the Word. Then it's back to porn, and swearing, and hording possessions, googling boobies, etc. They never go to church. They can't quote scripture. They don't give to charity. They believe they'll go to heaven just by saying they believe in God. Then they're stealing pens from work. A direct violation of the ten commandments.
Picking and choosing, weighing sin. But then it's not o.k. for people to be homosexual, and they feel they have the right to tell me so. Like my existence in the eyes of God is less than theirs. That makes no sense to me- seems like that kind of logic is flawed.