Agree 100% Dave.

The religious arguement also provides a convenient cover to those with truly bigoted beliefs. While I understand that many people actually believe their "God" condems homosexual behavior*, I think the real movers & shakers behind the anti-gay movement are simply using religion as a shield against charges of bigotry (i.e., claiming/pretending to be devout when it serves their purposes).

* These true believers are a lessor problem IMO, because over time and through education they may change their belief on this issue, just as they have on slavery. I don't think they have any ulterior motive, they are just misguided. It's the ones who would harness a poweful force like religion (or nationalism, or patriotism for that matter) that are truly dangerous & scare me. They are people who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals - Yes, Mr. Bush I'm talking about you & your craven ilk.
