
He also talked about what is and is not appropriate for Sabbath activities. Somewhat contradictory(depending on how you interpret it) to what is said in Exodus 31:14, Jesus says in Matthew 12:11-12 that "it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath", using the example of rescuing a sheep that has fallen into a pit. Keep in mind that Leviticus discusses numerous cases of Israelites being severely punished for desecrating the Sabbath, even in doing good deeds(for example, a man is put to death for collecting firewood in the middle of winter).

This wasn't revision. It was enlightenment. As far as this situation suggests, God had seen that his words were misconstrued, then made a correction. He didn’t re-word the Bible or change its principles.

There was a story in the New Testament somewhere where Christ cracked down on someone for justifying sin by using THEIR interpretation of a commandment. An interpretation that gave him the right to…….It was either murder or steal. The only way this situation differs is that they actually BELIEVED what they were doing was right. This other jerkoff was finding loopholes to serve his own ends. Though, because murder and/or theft are SPECIFICALLY prohibited, there's almost no way they can be generally justified. Anyway, slightly OT.


It's partly Christ's teachings interpreted through man(since, like God, Christ never wrote anything down himself), but it's not the embodiment of one or the other.

If you can't adopt conceptive argument, then we can't get any further with this line of response. My (and pretty much all of Catholicism's) beliefs are that the Bible is entirely God’s word and that Christ, himself, is God. The apostles wrote it with something beyond divine inspiration.


It's Mark 12:28-31, if that's what you're indirectly asking. Jesus was asked which commandment was the most important, and responded by listing those two.

When you consider that this is holy scripture, to prioritize it is, infact, revisionment. These were supposedly God's words, these commandments. For any man to place one above another in importance would be not only pretentious but blasphemous as well. Jesus was clarifying, he was saying that loving everyone(especially God) is more important than anything else.

Whoops! I just realized that they do sum them up. My bad. Confused my sentence meanings for a sec.

Animalman, those two quotes don’t actually change anything in the Ten Commandments and they don’t "prioritize" either. If you outline the mutual importance and goals between each of the commandments and the certain sins that are listed under each individual commandment, you’d find that all of them coincide with Christ’s feedback. They’re founding elements to the Ten Commandments.

Another thing Animalman. Because I believe that Christ is God, I wouldn’t find it blasphemous at all if he ever changed the Commandments.


I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "based on the scenario of having no condoms" or "the usual uniformed couples going at it", sexual ignorance and a lack of condoms is hardly exclusive to gay sex.

I wasn’t making it exclusive to gay sex, I was listing sexual ignorance under both hetero and homosexual acts.


Heterosexual intercourse also results in damage(the breaking of the hymen), and can leave a lasting "groove". The vagina adjusts to the size of the penis over time, a process that can be long and painful.

Dude. The vagina was designed for stretching and the uterus was as well. The sphincter, however, was not. And does not heal as well as the vulva.

Furthermore, the asshole wasn’t meant to evolve at all. Casual sodomy can get out of hand that way. Also, while the vagina has the hurt put on it a lot. The pain eventually ceases and then the pleasure is a bit more present. With sodomy, you have lasting pain and tenuousness with each sexual session. And like I said before, you DON’T want casual sodomy to mellow out the feelings through having done to your ass what is done to the vagina.


Let's not forget that childbirth is naturally one of the most physically damaging experiences imaginable, something that has killed numerous women(and babies), even in today's era of medicine. The muscles tear, hipbones are dislocated....while the end result is certainly positive the means by which it's achieved isn't too pretty.

This doesn’t really change anything. It’s devoid the fact that Sodomy is a procedure that has a high risk factor for diseases—And while I, myself do consider pregnancy a disease that the world can’t seem to kick, it’s in no way, validly comparable to Aids or HIV.. That was the whole point of my argument. The greater amount of fragility in the colon than the vagina is the increase in danger of not only physical negative effects but also biological ones.

Also, while we’re on this, there’s a REALLY good reason for going through so much pain Animalman, this isn’t so for sodomy. There’s no pleasure or greater outcome involved for the catcher. It, more often than not, just creates problems.

Somwhere along the lne my message had been lost when you made this response Animalman. But because I got so mixed up, I just decided to roll with it.