
NYC Mayor: Gay Couples Merit Equal Rights

By TIMOTHY WILLIAMS, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK - The mayor of the nation's largest city says same-sex couples deserve the same rights in civil unions that straight couples enjoy in marriage, but he will continue to enforce New York state's ban on gay marriage.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's statement, reversing his previous refusal to discuss his position on gay marriage, came the same week that dozens of same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses were turned away by the City Clerk, and that state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer held that gay and lesbian marriages are prohibited by state law.

Bloomberg said in an interview that he goes "back-and-forth" on whether same-sex marriages should be allowed, but believes these couples deserve equality.

"Personally, I've always thought that civil unions should have exactly the same rights as marriage," Bloomberg said during the interview, to be broadcast Sunday on WPIX-TV. "I don't think you should discriminate against anybody."


Bush warned me that gay people in San Francisco were getting married to each other and that, as a result, my traditional marriage is now threatened. But I just checked with my wife of 25 years and she told me our marriage is still doing just fine. Is it possible my president is misinformed? Misguided? Mistaken?

Art Verity

An unjustified war, 3 million jobs lost, families allowed to go homeless and hungry and uninsured, the environment sold to the highest bidder, corporate raids on pensions unpunished, Social Security cuts threatened, education for the poor slashed to the bone — these are immoral acts. Two men or two women holding hands and promising to take care of each other — that's the most moral thing in the news these days.

Kate Carnell Watt

So Bush wants to ban gay marriage. I thought the purpose of law and government was to protect people's rights and freedoms, not to diminish them.

Frank L. Atkin

The tide is growing and pretty soon, those arguing for the universal acceptance of their biases on religious grounds will soon be an abberation. A curiousity that is hard to beleive was ever condoned. Like "colored only" drinking fountains.

Last edited by whomod; 2004-03-07 8:56 AM.