
Here's a site that essentially tells you to use lube, condom & common sense & you'll be fine.
http://www.sexhealth.org/bettersex/anal.shtml />

I'm basing this entire argument on the relatively large dangers and usual unsafe sex practiced by people. I know they're are things that help the....Unhelpful process itself, but my point is that they aren't being used often by majorities I'm reading up on in my area. I mean, I'm not sure how much of problem there is where you are, but I see reports of public (unprotected) sodomy a lot--It's actually one of the bigger problems. A bigger but less intense problem being GTA.


I also got to add, I personally have never heard or read of anyone being hurt physically because of anal sex & following the rules, except for rape cases.

Certainly not what I've heard--Not even from the (promiscuous) gay person I used to meet every day at Cisco. People definitely get hurt from it. I don't think there's any question about that. And even so, people CAN get hurt from it very easily and the fact that it's something that people would essentially and routinely get hurt by it makes that rather irrelevent


If health was really an issue, there are many things that will shorten your lifespan. Being overweight, smoking and lack of exercise just some of them. Essentially a gay bottom is probably in much better health than say Jerry Falwell & all his blubber.

Yes, these can shorten your life-span, but they're not the issue. The fact that another action that causes health problems is (in SOME cases) bigger in the problem department than sodomy doesn't justify taking our eyes away from the subject. Sodomy is a near and clear danger. It's not subtle like smoking, a person not excercizing, eating too much, and the like. It's a blatant mis-use and dangerous way to use the body--Any way you slice it.