Anyway, my intention was simply to say that my belief is that any sexual behaviour that deviates from straight hetero procreation for babies, or any sexual practice that involves no possibility of creating a child is probably not biblically sanctioned. Hence-condoms, the pill, withdrawal, etc are certainly frowned upon. But as I said that is from a judeo-christian viewpoint-certainly not a secular one.

And that is not to say that 99% of Christians (atleast in the western world) don't participate in all or some of the above I just mentioned.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

I believe you can't take the moral highground when you're still waddling in the mud. I do believe the intent of the Bible's message of proper sexual behaviour is fairly clear though.
No shenanigans...

And therefore my ultimate point is that while gays/lesbians should be able to marry and be recognized. I think in no way shape or form should a reverend be forced to marry a couple he/she doesn't want to. Nor should that be considered hate or intolerance. There are pastors or reverands in branches of the church that would sanction such a union and there are justices of the peace.

Again, this is where the definition of marriage comes into play. Is it a religious ceremony/institution or just a union of 2 people?