
Dave the Wonder Boy said:
I don't believe what Animalman posted above. That is a distortion by advocates of gay marriage, I'm sure.

What part of it don't you believe?

These are real laws and policies that give a clear advantage to married couples, not civil union couples.


Since gays retain all the rights to insurance, health benefits, spousal estates, etc., under proposed civil unions.

"Proposed civil unions"? What proposed civil unions?


As I've said endlessly, if gays really need or deserve these rights, civil unions gives them those rights to benefits

Not as it stands today, they don't.


Or agnostic, who just don't approve of the gay lifestyle, and don't want their goverment to force it on them.

I'm Agnostic. What makes you think Agnostics don't approve of the gay lifestyle?

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.