
Matter-eater Man said:

britneyspearsatemyshorts said:

i think if queers wanna butt bang each other thats there own business, but i dont think our goverment should be in the business of sanctioning it, and i do think if you make someones tax dollars such as SS go to pay for benifits to someones butt bang partner you are infringing on their reigious rights, and or personal beliefs....

The problem with that line of reasoning is that we pay taxes too but don't get the same "bang" for our buck. When you or the others speak of "our" government, you forget it's not just your government. A great many of gay people are part of it, many making far bigger contributions to this country than you or I.

i just figured you had read my previous statements if the majority has voted in laws stating that marriage is between man and woman than we should respect that, and a judge shouldnt take it upon himself to impose the will of the minority upon the majority.