
Captain Sammitch said:

Painful wordplay.

Yeah, flame wars suck.

I try to be cool with everyone, but it doesn't always work. Differences of opinion, I guess.

I can't speak for all the lefty/liberals, but you always seemed like a decent guy to me Captain.

I don't have a problem with people who hold different opinions to mine (heck, I might even learn something). Further, I think it's pretty normal to think someone with a different opinion is foolish or misguided, if not, our own opinions wouldn't feel right to us. But, I'm a firm believer in that sometimes we have to take the old "agree to disagree" route to have a civil society.

However, some seem to think that those who disagree with them are less than human - next stop, intolerance, hate, and persecution. Those types I do have a problem with. Especially when they cloak their hates in religion, nationalism, and patriotism. Three concepts that are very dangerous, in and of themselves, because of the passions/deep feelings they inspire. When these concepts are manipulated by the type of persons I mentioned above (the haters, such as Adolf Hitler), or just by the unscrupulous amoung us (which is where I'd place persons like George W. Bush or Louis Farakhan) then they just go off the scale and become a true threat to the whole human species. Because these types of persons will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They'll take the world down in flames before they'll concede the field.
