
From The Sacramento Bee:

Surveys taken around the nation and in California indicate that large percentages of African Americans disapprove of gay marriage and support a constitutional amendment banning such unions.

A national Gallup Poll last month found that more than half of African Americans favored a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.

A Los Angeles Times exit poll showed higher percentages of African Americans than whites or Asian Americans voted for Proposition 22, the 2000 initiative that defined marriage in California as between a man and a woman.

And a Field Poll of California voters last month, taken after San Francisco began offering same-sex marriage certificates, suggested that African Americans resist gay marriage and endorse a constitutional amendment against it by wider margins than other ethnic groups.

The only poll source sorted was the unapologetically conservative L.A. Times. Talk about writing an article with a slant.


From Dave the Wonder Boy:

It indicated that 60% of blacks oppose gay weddings.
And further, 51% oppose gay civil unions as well.

So only approximately 9% of those polled who opposed to gay weddings would even allow for civil unions, eh? Nice!



From Wednesday:

2) Today's "black leaders" are generally pathetic and unworthy of discussion, especially the ones that are in the media and have voiced opinions. A great number of them are attention-seekers and not much more.

3) I also don't believe that most black people (or Americans in general) could tell you the real definition of civil rights. Being black does not make you an authority on civil rights; education does. I would venture that most people would equate civil rights with black suffrage. Their answers are uninformed.