This is getting messy, isn't it? I think it'll have a rough ride trying to pass after all. A couple of months ago, it seemed like a done deal, but now it's looking less and less likely. I hope it passes. It'd be weird if I decided to get married and could change that status several times just by driving across the country. People just need to get thier heads out of thier asses and let it go. If the bill passes, without any of the funky amendments the conservatives are trying to attatch, people will care for about a week ar two and then forget about it really won't affect thier daily lives. Folks like me though will be grateful every day for the fact that we live in Canada.

The realities that something like this opens up are awe inspiring when you step back and appreciate it. I actually started crying the other day when I realized that someday, Dan and I could sit down and plan our wedding...It's not something I'd ever considered before, or even thought to consider. On a human level (despite all of the politics and propaganda - on both sides of the issue) it's a really overwhelming feeling when you look at just what getting married can mean (picture a Halmark montage of life's little moments and you'll get what's going through my head right now). It's beautiful.

I think a little discomfort from religious conservatives is worth the sheer quality of life that I'd recieve in return...but of course, I'm a little biased on the issue.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!