
klinton said:
Refresh my memory. How is being gay (and please refrain from using the term sodomy...I don't look at myself as the sum of a physical act. Being gay implies interest in members of the same sex on every level of attraction...If we were just interested in sex, marriage wuld not be an issue) harmful?

It wouldn't be harmful as long as homosexuals refrained from sex. There are other ways to express love. Which was my point, which you seem to understand. Homosexual civil unions without the homosexuality I wouldn't have a problem with. But that's not the case, there's no abstainance in the past and there's none now. Not speaking legally, homosexual marriage, on its own, encourages sodomy and the view that there's nothing wrong with it--And there is. Especially with great volume.


Allowing us to live as equals and live openly will help to dismantle and remove these things from society. This is bad?

We do live as equals. By law you are afforded the same rights as everyone else--With the exception of certain marriage benefits because they are more promptu for straight couples, plus the marriage design wasn't meant to accomodate homosexual requisites. The actions of bigots don't represent the law as governed by the United States of America or the Canadian government.