It started here:


Pariah siad:
You're right and that's what I've been trying to do. My problem isn't so much with marriage (although I do have civil concerns as I noted in Animalman's gay marriage thread) as it is what allowance of gay marriage encourages. I don't find sodomy to be harmless or okay--And I'm saying this from a secular as well as spiritual POV. If it was casually associated with society, I feel it could turn into a major problem.

After I notified you of government documented equal rights here:


PariahWe do live as equals. By law you are afforded the same rights as everyone else--With the exception of certain marriage benefits because they are more promptu for straight couples, plus the marriage design wasn't meant to accomodate homosexual requisites. The actions of bigots don't represent the law as governed by the United States of America or the Canadian government.

And then you responded with:


Once again, marriage is a buisness transaction. People get married every day for status, for financial security and any number of non-child rearing reasons (including politics and public approval). If you are willing to deny gay marriage becasue it cannot biologicaly produce children...there are plenty of other targets that deserve your equal attention as well. If you're not willing to address them, then you have no buisness discussing this.

And I replied saying you were an asshole....I think.

Homosexuals are allowed civil unions, which offer everything but the unlikely to be needed child-care benefits. Moreover, gays are allowed to adopt, and in many cities they can request stipends, which they may recieve depending on their financial history, which is exactly the case for straight couples. Hu-fucking-zah.