Ok then. A quick search (yahoo) for any new information on the 'health risks' of anal sex (any, that is, that have come out since I was a sex-ed instructor less than 5 years ago...asshole) turns up zero precautions for the act, with the exception of the 'catholic education.org' website (how fucking odd). Every secular source will agree that any risks with anal sex are in promiscuity (and someone seeking the right to marriage might not have cheating on thier mind...I'd think).

In light of the fact that your definition of marriage is false (by an easily confirmed historical record, read before you speak), it is a legal transaction...nothing more (why can't heterosexuals be subjected to the demeaning 'civil union' - God never used the term 'marriage' in the union of Adam and Eve - and have everyone inelligible for marriage?), I have to ask...

What exactly are you trying to say? Give me just one legaly acceptable reason to uphold the ban on gay marriage.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!