
klinton said:
What issue?

I dunno. It was on STDs. *shrug* What, are you gonna track it down?

Just tell me what you find so unbelievable about my statement.


The guide books I have on hand from my stint at the CBCA (information about which can be found at the Government of Canada website), and confirmed by a quick poll on the internet tonight.

If you can post some text which you apparently have on hand with a site that has credibility to back it up, that'd be super.


And this excludes me how? My family, my children, don't deserve the security? My legacy is less important somehow?

Where the fuck did I say you were excluded or less important?

If you had kids with someone. Marry her, that way it'll be easier to raise em'. If you choose not to take an easier choice offered by government, then that's your own damn fault.


By whom? That is such an archaic argument, it can only come from your church. It was officially dropped as such in 1973 in your country. The only ones who still cling to the concept are religious biggots.

There are plenty of past articles posted on this thread that answer your question as to whom is researching the subject.


And I'm not ignorant of civil unions...I just want to know why you insist we are not entitled to the same status as a hetero's. It's just a word...'marriage'. If your argument is not based on your religion, then tell give me something concrete as a reason.

I have. Repeatedly. And just because you continuously say I'm not doesn't make that the case. And each time you put a new spin on what I say, like now: I never said your "status" was any different than straights'. I did however say that marriage wasn't intended for the uses you want and that your possible position. Your deviation from my real arguments is just more ad hominem bullshit designed to drift away from the issue.


And no. It is you that is seeking 'special' rights. You are seeking to impose your beliefs on a law that makes no (legal) concession for them (until Bush amended it). Marriage was never defined as a heterosexual union...until now.

No. I'm not. And yes it was.