
klinton said:
I must say...This is a very fascinating thread. You guys are a lot more open minded than I'd previously given you credit for.

But in all honesty, I think the whole gay marriage thing is such an overzealous waste of public attention. I'm a card carryinng friend of Dorothy, but I really don't get exited by our impending 'equal rights' here in Canada. I don't see it as being a workable situation in today's society. As enlightened as we've become in modern society, I would still not want to have my 'marriage' be immediate information in assorted situations (a job application being the first example that springs to mind). There is still more than enough ignorance going around (ex: Captain Sammich here) to make a marriage an unnecessary burden. It's sad but true.

I know that as much as I love my boyfriend (of 3 1/2 years), I have no intention of making him my husband. This isn't a statment of shame, as I'd never think of hiding denying my homosexuality...But at the same time, it's not the first thing that anyone I've just encountered needs to know about me.

I think the subject should be reveiwed again in the future...But right now, society just isn't ready to handle this.

Uh...wow....I read Wednesday's post about starting the thread, and decided to go back and do some reading from the earliest pages. I came across this loser. Fuck if I haven't done a complete 1800 over a couple of years.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!