
wannabuyamonkey said:
You can't say we demand the right to marry whome ever you want then out of the other side of your mouth say that another group can't. A homosexual may want to marry another man the same ass a man may want to marry more than one woman and more than one woman may want to marry the same man. You simply keep resorting back to teh simple fact that both gay marraige and hetero marriage have something in common wich is that they both involve 2 people, well hetero marraige and poygymy both involve two genders, there's a comparrison. Are you saying that you now WANT government to make a value judgement saying that even though a man truly loves two women and those woment both truly love him and they all want to get married they shouldn't be permitted to?

The only thing I don't think I'm getting is how homosexual marriage will automatically allow polygamists a legal springboard. Hasn't the government already made a value judgement regarding marriage?

MisterJLA is RACKing awesome.