
My god, I can't even be out to my employer without being fired on the spot.

I had a friennd who WAS fired because he came out of the closet at work. He didn't even come out on his on volition, he was asked. The only difference is the closet he came out of was the conservitive closet. My friend was a quirky musition type who fit in the Seattle scene perfectly. The only difference was that he he proudly voted for Bush and Supported teh war in Iraq. After the 2004 election his boss and coworkers were fuming about the election how most of America were morons and had ruined the country. He remained silent finally a co-worker asked him in the presence of teh boss what he thought about it all and he said he was acctually happy that Bush had been re-elected. He was fired the next week. In the city of Seattle conservitives are a much more persecuted minority than homosexuals.

Putting the "fun" back in Fundamentalist Christian Dogma. " I know God exists because WBAM told me so. " - theory9 JLA brand RACK points = 514k