
r3x29yz4a said:
You're playing semantics.

No. I'm not.


By definition a killer is someone who has killed,

Which is my entire point!


whereas by definition a homosexual is either someone who has sex with the same gender or is attracted to the same gender.

Not if a person was born a killer--As many people assert to be the case with assorted people who have killed. In which case, it's placed and used in exactly the same context as the label "homosexual". It's only after someone dubs themself as such that it is concluded that they were born that way. This is just as much the case with people who say they have the urge to kill. Even though they have the urge, they can, and have, fought it. But still, by your logic, they'd be closet killers because they carry an urge. This proves that both the term "homosexual" and the term "killer" carry the same proper context in my point. This is opposed to how you tried to differentiate it with your first sentence.


Someone who is a born killer as you say I would label a "psychopath," "sociopath," or whatever term fits their particular profile and actions.

But then you'd have to deal with the issue of a person having the capacity to kill, which is associated with urges. Even people who kill in self defense would have to go under your standard.

Furthermore, your evasive use of "psycho/socio" totally avoids the issue here. The propriety of dubbing them as "killers" is at the heart of my argument and not simply the state of their sanity. Neither "socio" nor "psycho" statically mean "urge to kill".


So, if I knew someone was born with this "killer gene" I would be always careful and watchful around them and not trust them to change their brain chemistry, and if I knew someone with a "gay gene" I wouldn't waste my time trying to make them straight.

And, once again, you totally avoid my point in favor of ad hominem.

My point, as I had already stated, was not to say that homosexuals have mannerisms we should be as cautious of as we do killers, but rather to show you that your way of deciding how someone has "always been gay" is fallacious. It is because you cannot call someone a killer before they have killed someone that you cannot retroactively label someone homosexual after they out themselves through sex or a declaration of homosexuality.