
r3x29yz4a said:
wow, when you slant history, you really slant it. the "coup" the "revolution" and "grisly baby murder."

That's a rather dismissive reply, Ray, that bypasses Buchanan's point:

That the U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts have usurped the authority of state and federal legislatures, and have passed into law many absurdities that bypass the will of a vast majority of Americans.

And I might add, on issues of illegal immigration, national defense, and ignoring the institutions this nation was founded on, and politically-correct/ultra-liberal rulings based on abstractions of convoluted principle, that obstruct common-sense laws of self-preservation (such as containing illegal immigration, and not giving illegals free health care), endanger our very existence.

School prayer, for example, removed from schools in two supreme court rulings in 1962-1963.
Polls at the time show 97% of Americans approved of prayer and the Bible in schools.
Only 3% wanted it excluded.

That demonstrates very clearly the absurdity, that 3% should determine repression of the other 97%.

I'm not the first to call it a "revolution". Conservatives and Hippies/leftists alike have called it a cultural revolution for 40 years.

"Grisly procedure" is not an innacurate description of the partial birth abortion act of stabbing a fully grown fetus in the head and then sucking its brains out with a surgical vaccuum machine, to make its skull collapse, to move its corpse out of the mother's womb.
I suppose you would call this a merciful and humanitarian procedure?
All this is done to prevent a perfectly healthy and fully formed baby from drawing air for a few seconds and legally being defined as a baby, a human being. While it is a human being regardless of legalistic semantics, not allowing it to leave the womb alive allows it to technically avoid being defined as a human being.
And thus technically avoid being legally termed the act of murder that it truly is.

It amazes me how liberals can bemoan the need for humanitarian compassion, and can rail on conservatives for not wanting to spend more to fight AIDS and other diseases, can at the very same time so freely rationalize such a brutal and cold-blooded mockery of surgical procedure.