I like you, too, WBAM. All I am saying is that there are plenty of people with big issues who do use the bible as an excuse to hate. Not you. No way! But there are people who use that one line in the bible as an excuse to hate.

I have always believed the Bible is an incredible tool for good!

But, that which can be used for good can also be used for evil purposes, ie, hating of gays.

I am in NO way implying that the bible is evil.

But I do think it was a truly misguided soul who wrote that abomination line.

And : I did not say or even imply that anyone who disagrees with with me is full of hate for me PERSONALLY, but gay is what I am, and when I see those lines of people in the news carrying signs that say things like, " Go to hell you gay Aids bastards" and " God hates Queers", well, um, I will take this personally because I am gay.

I realize there are different levels of acceptance. There are gray areas in this issue.

And I do have friends online and in real time who are worried that I will go to hell because I am gay. They do not hate me, but they can't get past that one line. Not all of them express such misgivings. They just accept me as I am, and I accept them as they are, too.

I believe in the bible, however, I don't agree with that one line.

Sorry, I know this post rambled a bit, but I like clarity. I don't like to be misunderstood, and I hope this explains how I feel in a non combative way.

That is the best way to debate an issue.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.