So called "liberals" can be racists too.

Racism knows no cultural or political bounds.

There is no point in trying to turn this topic into a liberal vs. conservative or us vs. them rant.

On a side note, recently at a meeting of Arab nations, someone, and please forgive me for not having the specifics, but, someone got up and said that the world is really run by Jews, who rule by proxy.

This is a very common anti-semetic statement, although, I should point out that the Arabs, as children of Ishmael, and thus, children of Abraham, and thus, children of Shem, are also semites, anyway, my point is this:

If Jews really do rule the world, and are rich and powerful and all that, why haven't I seen any of this money or power?

As a Jew, I want to know. Come on, show me the money. Where is it?

I have enough problems paying my medical bills. I don't need to hear crap like this.

Anyway, that's racism in a nut shell. Statements with absolutely no factual, or imaginary basis to them.

But, the guy did get a standing ovation, because, after all, he actually had the guts to speak "the truth."

The "truth" my ass. Again, where is this money? Because, quite frankly, I could use some.