Originally posted by Darknight613:
[QUOTE]Yes, I did see that you challenged Whomod for his harsh rhetoric. Although you didn't make the personal accusations toward him that you did to me, that my opinion is basically "not worthy" of serious response (in your subjective opinion).

Well, you can't really judge somebody's tone accurately on a message board (and if I were to put in emoticons or smileys, I doubt I would have been taken seriously). I was pretty annoyed at whomod for turning this thread into a political debate

But..but ... but ...but.. [who, me?]

I realized tha danger in my posting but honestly, the initial article was pretty partisan to begin with. I even went so far as to highlight and quote that one paragraph where it was the most evident.

Out of the other two paragraphs and articles regarding books and studies (both published in the 50's. I think is important to restate lest they be taken as just part of the recent trend of liberal leaning non-fiction), I'd only give serious credence to the 1st one concerning Germany in the mid 30's, "They
Thought they were Free" as being completely non-partisan. After all how could it. It's obviously about another countrys gradual slide into fascism more then 50 years ago.

When I read the initial article, the dig at conservatism really stood out to me and it reminded me actually of the 2nd article I posted which deals with personality types who are attracted to fascism and right wing mindsets. Similar in tone and subject matter certainly as they both make generalizations and political observations to make their point but perhaps not in keeping with the strict letter of the thread topic.

If it rubbed you the wrong way then I apologize. [cool]