There isn't that kind of chemistry between Luthor and Mercy, but Bruce wouldn't have that much reluctance to date Talia, with or without threat. The threat just might make things a little sexier, though, seeing as how Bruce tends to go for the more domineering women. Plus, we've never actually gotten a date between these two. So... Bruce and Talia.

Eerier thing Joker could do?

Break out of Arkham with many, many causalities, then come back an hour later with a Starbucks coffee and a bag from Barnes & Noble containing a fresh copy of Bridget Jones's Diary


Drain half of Waynetech's funds and donates every cent to the Salvation Army and the March of Dimes.

In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed, and blew it out. - Joker