
Stupid Doog said:
First off, thank you for a reasonable, level headed post. Of course if I saw somebody being attacked I would step in, however I would try to not step over the line of murder. It's one thing to disable somebody from causing you harm, it's another when you have to kill them to do it. Of course, if in the act of self preservation you would kill the other person (whether purposefully or accidentally), that is a matter to weigh on your conscience and something you would have to be held accountable to God for, and He would judge you righteously.

Ah yes, but in the regards of war, one must kill to disable a hostile country. You've lived and have been sheltered in the nation that's going to war. Provided that your life and the life of your fellow citizens have been attended to in a satisfactory manner with the intent to allow you, the society of individuals, to flourish, you'd owe that country a debt. And in the case of America, I feel strongly that we've been as equally attending to ourselves as we have tried to be to other countries. Granted that our reasons for going to war don't merit extremist ideals (domination, monopoly, etc.), it's more than likely in our Christian interest and duty to repay our country. In turn, I see no reason why we would be judged for the death of other soldiers. The real ones who are fighting are the political powers. If anyone's going to be judged, it's them. The instrument of a soldier is made up of two things: Objectives and Survival. Nothing in that job description implies murder.

I'll just end this with a, "Render unto Caesar what is do Caesar. Render unto God what is do God."